Monday, June 27, 2011

Pups at 7 weeks

Gail in the big dog yard....Flirt in the background.

The Brindle Boy.

The Red Boy after digging around in some dirt.

The Green Boy- I had hoped to get side shots of all the pups but it was just too much for Crystal and Jim's not home.

The Blue Boy. I love this picture!

First puppy leaves home!

Good Bye to Jetta!

Thursday, June 23, 2011

The Ducks...there are actually 3, the other one is just ahead of these two. They are 'runner' ducks -- tall, upright ducks with relatively weak legs in the grass.

The Pups: None of the puppies were afraid of the ducks and this 'test' is really mostly for fun since some puppies will like to mess with them and others don't really get the point of it all. ... and sometimes they will have no interest at this age and then 'turn on' later to be terrific stockdogs. Some pups will work sheep but not ducks or vice versa. The main thing at 6.5 weeks is that we are curious to see if any of the puppies are terrified of this movement or newness and if any show instincts in one way or another.

The females: the black girl: had some interest but was really more interested in playing in the water dish. The brindle girl: very keen, she moved the ducks steadily right along the fenceline. no barking.

The males:
1) Brindle Male: Calm and deliberate, walked right up to them to get them to move and then went around to their heads.

2) Green Collar: Walked confidently toward them, barked to make them move and then moved them.

3) Red Collar: Mostly not interested. Wanted to play in the water.

4) Blue Collar: Walked toward the ducks and sat down watching them.

Crystal is currently sitting in the kitchen reading the horse book "Misty" to the puppies. They are napping.

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Perhaps you could address the issue of food choice on your blog. I found it confusing to compare all the hype.....and am tempted to switch from Flint River Ranch's puppy and adult dog oven-baked kibble ,to your NSAC&R, if your choice is the result of your strong, professional preference.....Is the fact that chicken is the main ingredient significant? It's handy to be able to have multiple bags delivered to my front door, in the mountains, whereas it appears that NutriSource needs to be picked up from a store. (I'll phone them tomorrow). Do you cook the chicken backs?

I have fed many foods over the years and am not really wedded to any particular food as long as it is meat-based. I have not had a lot of trouble with allergies with my own dogs at home but I understand that many dogs, not just Bouviers do have corn, wheat and soy-based allergies so I tend to steer away from those foods. The Nutri Source has been locally produced in Perham, Minnesota and I've been feeding it for the last 4 years or so and have been happy with it. The dogs look good, have smallish firm stools, and plenty of energy. I haven't had problems with allergies or refusal to eat...however I would imagine Flint River Ranch is an excellent food as well and if you have been happy with it, I'd certainly give it a go. My friend Lynn feeds Honest Kitchen, my friend Doreen feeds Diamond Naturals; both supplement with raw food and all our dogs look great (well, mine generally look like swamp dogs because they're in the water so much!) No, I don't cook the backs -- they arrive here frozen in 10# bags; I thaw them as needed. Each adult dog gets 2 or 3 for one meal per day depending on the size of the backs and the dog. I am not giving them to the puppies since as you can imagine there are folks who do not approve of raw food for dogs for various reasons.

Also, as long as I"m online... if you would prefer that your puppy NOT receive their first vaccinations before leaving home, please let me know. There is considerable controversy regarding vaccinations in the dog-owning community; if you look on my briarleabouvier website to the link for vaccinations, my own puppy will get her first vaccination according to "Program B."

Finally, regarding registration -- I did get the individual registrations back from the AKC but it doesn't appear that it saves anybody anything. I would register them in my name first and then you would need to register them. It is a great thing for AKC but doesn't really make sense for the rest of us. I'll give you your registration document directly and you can send it off or if you'd like to register your pup online I can give you the code you need to do so.

Off to training this a.m.

Monday, June 20, 2011

I am truly impressed on how much time you spend with these puppies and the numerous situations you exposed them to. That alone would make me recommend your kennel to anyone looking for a bouvier. I especially like the exposure to children, as I have none and I don't have alot of opportunity to do that myself. It looks like these puppies should be able to handle most situations.

Yes, I always joke that at 60 I'm not really prepared to have kids just for the puppies' socialization which is why it is so great that Crystal and Anthony visit.

I follow the blog page so I'm sure that will give me some indication on when the placement of the pups takes place, and how to handle the payment and shipping procedures.

We will do puppy tests next weekend, take the pups into our local vet for a wellness check and then I'll make airline reservations. The local puppies can leave any time after their wellness check but the pups who are flying need to wait until they are 8 weeks old. Birdie has weaned them although they still spend around an hour or so a day with her but mostly trying to get her to hold still long enough that they can grab her udders with their needle sharp teeth so it tends to be a little counterproductive. She does sleep with them at night a few times a week however. So far they look great and are starting to get heavy enough that neither Crystal nor I can carry two at a time.

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Hi Folks!
Well, at last a whole day at home! Yesterday I managed a stockdog trial at the local fairgrounds - it was a lot of fun, just exhausting! Last night we had terrific thunderstorms and this morning everything is soaking wet. That doesn't stop the puppies from running like little banshees and 'helping' me clean the yards around the house and kennel. I am pleased with this litter -- they seem very even in temperament thus far ie: good natured and social. I am seeing some differences now in their personalities - the black female is pretty much nonstop into things...digging, dragging stuff around, barking when she can't figure something out - the grey female is a little more easy going but we'll see how that all goes in a couple weeks. Of the males, I seem to notice that the pup with the green collar is similar to the black female. The other male pups seem more similar to the grey female but then again, they change so much from now on that it's difficult to make predictions yet.

Crystal has been spending a LOT of time with them, handling and brushing and generally fooling with them; a great bonus for all of us to have a kid around because as you know, kids are kids and will often do things adults don't. I mean, I haven't thought of dressing up a puppy in doll clothes for a while now.

The pups are now in the kennel building at night with the dog-door open 24 hours a day. Unless there's a terrific rain storm they are clean inside and poop outdoors on cement. During the day they are up by the house in a big x-pen (4 xpens hooked together) as well as loose in the kitchen and porch. If I am gone - which I am sometimes now that Crystal's here and I take her to dog class and horseback riding lessons twice a week - the pups are in the kennel with the puppy run off to the side. They are safe and clean there.

I have just started doing some little focus work with them - hotdogs and cheese used as treats up by my face - and marking the behaviors I want.

Unless the day gets away from me, I will take them out by the ducks today (not IN with the ducks) just to let us see how they respond to the movement. No sheep or cattle :-)

If anyone has questions, please feel welcome to send a note ~

Friday, June 17, 2011

The little kids!

Not just a pretty face, but certainly a pretty face!

Rocking and Rolling!

I've got it and I'm keeping it!


Oh man, he's on my back again...if I just wait it out hopefully he'll leave!

Friday, June 10, 2011

More Pictures

My granddaughter Crystal getting some puppy kisses.

One Handsome Boy

This boy will be grey like Solo.