The Ducks...there are actually 3, the other one is just ahead of these two. They are 'runner' ducks -- tall, upright ducks with relatively weak legs in the grass.
The Pups: None of the puppies were afraid of the ducks and this 'test' is really mostly for fun since some puppies will like to mess with them and others don't really get the point of it all. ... and sometimes they will have no interest at this age and then 'turn on' later to be terrific stockdogs. Some pups will work sheep but not ducks or vice versa. The main thing at 6.5 weeks is that we are curious to see if any of the puppies are terrified of this movement or newness and if any show instincts in one way or another.
The females: the black girl: had some interest but was really more interested in playing in the water dish. The brindle girl: very keen, she moved the ducks steadily right along the fenceline. no barking.
The males:
1) Brindle Male: Calm and deliberate, walked right up to them to get them to move and then went around to their heads.
2) Green Collar: Walked confidently toward them, barked to make them move and then moved them.
3) Red Collar: Mostly not interested. Wanted to play in the water.
4) Blue Collar: Walked toward the ducks and sat down watching them.
Crystal is currently sitting in the kitchen reading the horse book "Misty" to the puppies. They are napping.