Monday, June 20, 2011

I am truly impressed on how much time you spend with these puppies and the numerous situations you exposed them to. That alone would make me recommend your kennel to anyone looking for a bouvier. I especially like the exposure to children, as I have none and I don't have alot of opportunity to do that myself. It looks like these puppies should be able to handle most situations.

Yes, I always joke that at 60 I'm not really prepared to have kids just for the puppies' socialization which is why it is so great that Crystal and Anthony visit.

I follow the blog page so I'm sure that will give me some indication on when the placement of the pups takes place, and how to handle the payment and shipping procedures.

We will do puppy tests next weekend, take the pups into our local vet for a wellness check and then I'll make airline reservations. The local puppies can leave any time after their wellness check but the pups who are flying need to wait until they are 8 weeks old. Birdie has weaned them although they still spend around an hour or so a day with her but mostly trying to get her to hold still long enough that they can grab her udders with their needle sharp teeth so it tends to be a little counterproductive. She does sleep with them at night a few times a week however. So far they look great and are starting to get heavy enough that neither Crystal nor I can carry two at a time.