I just wanted to let you see how big Blade is getting.
He is enrolled in an obedience class and does very well. He has had one agility class and he picked up real quick what I was asking of him, but that will be pretty limited until he's a bit older.
Although he has his moments-he's a puppy, he grasps everything pretty quickly and tries very hard to do what I ask of him.
I don't think I could have picked a better puppy.
My yes, what a nice looking pup at his age! I'll be interested in seeing what he matures into ... For the moment, Gale is the same, very smart and funny -- she is now going through a stage where she startles at the rototiller and other things that have been around since she was born -- "what's THAT?? And Where did IT come from???" so I'm careful not to make a big deal out of anything. We're headed to Alaska for 10 days and she'll stay with my friend Lynn in Minneapolis which will be a very different and good experience for her.
Thank you so much for taking him to classes, that is just the best thing for a young bouvier!