She was a rather serious small puppy but I think that she has decided that we are O.K.
and fun to play with-she actually jumped off the boat into shallow water to play with the kids
all by herself-she very much enjoys making up her own mind about what she does. She will take into consideration any encouragement from us
We walk every day and my husband has run with her as well-something he cant really do with our Frenchie because he overheats so
She is in a really goof ball stage but still listens and doesn't run away. That brings me to my next question. Fences.
Would you recommend underground? Or traditional? The underground is very popular but they fail and I know are not
for everyone.
for everyone.
We have never had an underground fence; the way our farm is set up there is an old gravel road that runs between the house and the barns so it's just not practical to set up an underground system. My cousin's husband has a company in Somerset called "Apple River Fencing" that does do fence work (both traditional and underground) so he might have some ideas but to be honest, I'm not sold on the underground. I can only imagine my beloved dogs spying something irresistable and going through it and getting hit by a car - so we have traditional chain link fence for our own dogs.
Also, you won't want to run with her very much yet --
Also, you won't want to run with her very much yet --
I'll post to the little blog and maybe some of the other folks will chime in...