Hi everyone! Well, if your puppy is like Gale, you may begin to notice the wonky ear period starting! (notice pix!) It just started today which coincides with the beginning of teething (and you thought the teething period was in full bloom!) You might want to give your pup a frozen wet washcloth if you notice they are cranky and losing teeth.

Gale continues to delight us - she is a wonderful natural retriever like her Dad - shoving her toys at us to get us to throw them. When she brings them back, we pay a little tiny game of tug, always allowing her to win the toy to reinforce the retrieve. She walks nicely on a leash for both Crystal and me and sits, downs and does very fast recalls - all with food rewards of course. Housetraining is going fine, she's had a couple accidents in the kitchen but usually when I'm preoccupied.

She is a puppy full of intelligence, joy and energy which is what we aim for in our Bouviers.