At this moment, Spike is inside his X-Pen, sacked out, while Kate naps near-by. Spike went to bed at 8 (and already regards his crate as a safe place), and, tho I could hear him changing positions, didn’t awaken ‘til 4:30 AM. He allowed us to dress, without fuss, then the 4 of us trooped out to the pee area…where he did his double-duty. He had a good appetite, and drank lots of water….and we all took a good walk.
Each time he eats or drinks, I take him outside, and he promptly does his duty. Today he’s spent lots of time sleeping….as I’m sure the trip was hard on him.
He’s so very bright! And loving.
The best thing I did, was to buy 3 X-pens. We keep the other 2 in the rec room, and in our kitchen/family room. It will be easy to move 1 outside. Kate understands that, even if the gate is open, she’s not to enter. Spike needs his private area.
Today, Kate “gets it”, that this is a puppy, not just a small adult dog….and is calm, walking with Spike and wanting him to explore the wood-piles for critters.
(2 hr. later) Don is on a forest walk, now, with Kate and Spike.
All is unexpectedly idyllic.
Thanks for checking.