OK, the trip to Madison went well. Creed settled down by the time we hit Rt 12 and only had a few times of barking (except when I got out of the van - he barked his head off; I came back and Carol got out of the van and he was quiet for me). He settled as we drove and took naps. Spice slept with her back to us and him the first couple of hours.
We stopped to let both dogs relieve themselves (Wal-Mart) - he did both. Then he chased me, ran with me, followed (with food) me in the heel position (only did 3-4 steps)
Introduced him to Spice outside the hotel and she wanted nothing to do with a puppy following her. She did not get ugly but just would not look at him and if he got too close she turned away.
Outside he peed and pooped without any issue. As we unloaded the car he barked continuously. You could hear him inside.
Brought him into the room and Spice spent time smelling him, pawing him, cleaning his rear. Creed growled at her twice and she did nothing.
We went to dinner and he barked the whole time (until we went inside - came out and he was quiet). He had to ride in the cats crate because his was in the room.
Got back to the hotel and are trying to get him to be quiet in his crate!!! starting to work?
I had him on the couch in the room; the cat came up to him, smelled him then hissed. Ziegler made sure the Creed could see all of his teeth. (cat is now on the window seal looking at him bark in the crate)
He has met the puppy in the mirror and told Spice off when he was tire of being nosed and explored.
Great!! Personality.
He is now a sleep in his crate and we are trying to not make any noise.
Thanks!!! He is the right puppy